Tight Morning Suit

The morning suit is the bridegroom’s distinctive attire

Its use is usually recommended for formal ceremonies that take place before 6 pm and when the bridal gown is equally formal and traditional.
La particolarità del Tight è nel modello della giacca, a un bottone e molto sfiancata che si allunga nella parte dietro, donando slancio a tutta la figura. Di solito il Tight è spezzato, quindi giacca, gilet e pantalone hanno colori diversi (con i pantaloni che presentano una particolare fantasia di rigato). Ad ogni modo non è insolito trovare modelli Tight ad un colore solo, soprattutto fuori dall’Inghilterra.
The essential accessories of a morning suit are a grey top hat and a stick, but these are not to be worn during the ceremony. The shirt worn with a morning suit must be white with cufflink fasteners. A silk tie is an excellent alternative to the plastron. Never should a bow tie be worn with a morning suit. The only possible choice of shoes are black lace-ups.
Regarding the guests, tradition has it that when the groom wears a morning suit, all male guests should similarly be dressed in morning suits. Or at least the best man should be. Obviously, traditions are never hard and fast rules, so many grooms do not require the guests to comply with their own choices.

Tight sposo
Pantalone tight
Pantalone drapers
Pantalone tight

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